New Arrivals

Almost every month we have new products to display and demonstrate to our customers.

New Arrivals

Location and Hours

Distinctive Audio is open four days a week on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Store Hours

Our Services

We provide customized demonstrations, equipment repairs, custom made interconnects and speaker cables, testing of vacuum tube equipment, set up of turntables and installation / alignment of phono cartridges, and customer support on the equipment we sell.

Listening Demos

We provide our customers with in store auditions and demonstrations of specific audio equipment. This is where you can evaluate the sound quality of what we offer. We would prefer setting up an appointment for you to give us time to prepare the audio set up ahead of time.

Custom Cables

For specific demands, custom interconnects and speaker cables can be made on request. Quotations, parts and labor are provided ahead of time for customer approval. We are one of the few stores in Ottawa that provides high quality of termination and soldering.

The Owner & President of Distinctive Audio Inc.

Rheal Nadeau, has owned and operated Distinctive Audio since it was founded in 1986. Rhéal has over 38 years of experience in the high end audio industry.

Rheal Nadeau

Rheal Nadeau


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