Updated on: Oct 19, 2024
List Price
Sale Price
Electronics (amplifiers, pre-amplifiers, integrated amplifiers) | Product | Status | List Price | Sale Price |
Tri-Art S-series Headphone pre-Amplifier Tri-Art S-series headphone pre-amplifier. |
Headphone Pre-Amp |
Brand New | $438.00 | $374.95 |
Musical Fidelity A3 24 D/A Converter Musical Fidelity A3 24 D/A Converter with two digital inputs; switchable over-sampling. |
Digital to Analogue Converter |
Trade In | $1,195.00 | $575.00 |
REGA Mira series 3 Remote Controlled Integrated Amplifier REGA Mira series 3 remote controlled integrated amplifier, 61 WRMS / channel. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Trade In | $1,499.00 | $699.95 |
Tangent Trio Bluetooth Integrated Amplifier + CD player + FM Tuner Tangent trio bluetooth integrated amplifier 50WPC + CD player + FM tuner. |
Combo Package |
Floor Demo | $1,047.00 | $899.95 |
Tri-Art P-series Integrated Amplifier Tri-Art P-series integrated amplifier natural bamboo finish. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Display | $1,198.00 | $999.95 |
Audio Lab model 6000 CD transport with Tri-Art S-series DAC Audio Lab model 6000 CD transport with Tri-Art S-series DAC series III digital to analogue converter. |
CD Transport |
Floor Demo | $1,327.95 | $1,049.95 |
Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier Audiolab 6000A 50WPC integrated amplifier with D/A converter, bluetooth. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Floor Demo | $1,369.00 | $1,049.95 |
Audiolab 6000 CD Transport + Musical Fidelity V90 DAC Audiolab 6000 CD transport + Musical Fidelity V90 digital to analogue converter. |
Combo Package |
Brand New | $1,318.00 | $1,074.95 |
Parasound 275 Version 2 Stereo Power Amplifier Parasound 275 Version 2 2x 90 WPC stereo power amplifier. |
Power Amplifier |
Floor Demo | $1,600.00 | $1,074.95 |
Ever Solo A6 Network Streamer Ever Solo A6 network streamer. |
Streamer |
Brand New | $1,299.00 | $1,099.95 |
Musical Fidelity M2's CD Player Musical Fidelity M2's CD Player anodized silver finish. |
CD Player |
Floor Demo | $1,429.00 | $1,149.95 |
Elipson Music Center All-in-One Elipson Music Center all-in-one. |
Music Center |
Floor Demo | $1,500.00 | $1,274.95 |
Classe Audio CDP 0.5 CD Player Classe Audio CDP 0.5 CD Player, Decode HDCD disc overhauled with new Philips CDM 12.4 transport + more (about $425 dealer cost). |
CD Player |
Consignment | $2,695.00 | $1,350.00 |
Audio Space T-88 Vacuum Tube CD Player Audio Space T-88 vacuum tube CD player; balanced / un-balanced outputs; fully tested vacuum tubes. |
CD Player |
Floor Demo | $1,920.00 | $1,499.95 |
Ever Solo A6 Master Edition Streamer Ever Solo A6 Master Edition streamer. |
Streamer |
Brand New | $1,999.00 | $1,699.95 |
Parasound 200 Integrated Amplifier Parasound 200 110WPC integrated amplifier. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Brand New | $2,450.00 | $1,849.95 |
Shanling A2.1 Special Edition Remote Controlled Integrated Amplifier Shanling A2.1 Special Edition remote controlled integrated amplifier; balanced Input; 100WPC into 8 ohms and 160 into 4 ohms. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Brand New | $2,410.00 | $1,849.95 |
Shanling CD Player 2.1 Export Edition Shanling CD Player 2.1 Export Edition with optional Amperex 12AU7A fully tested vacuum tubes. |
CD Player |
Floor Demo | $2,450.00 | $1,949.95 |
Musical Fidelity ENCORE Connect Server Musical Fidelity ENCORE Connect Server / CD Player / Preamplifier anodized silver finish. |
CD Player |
Floor Demo | $5,499.00 | $2,199.95 |
Parasound Model A23 Stereo Amplifier Parasound model A23+ 160 WPC stereo amplifier. |
Power Amplifier |
Brand New | $2,800.00 | $2,249.95 |
Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated Amplifier Unison Research Simply Italy vacuum tube remote control integrated amplifier. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Almost New | $3,090.00 | $2,249.95 |
Audio Space Galaxy 34 Integrated Amplifier Audio Space Galaxy 34 vacuum tube integrated amplifier with remote control. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Almost New | $2,950.00 | $2,374.95 |
Modwright SWL 9.0 Pre-Amplifier Modwright SWL 9.0 Pre-Amplifier Anniversary Edition with fully tested upgraded tubes. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Trade In | $5,275.00 | $2,500.00 |
Unison Research Unico Pre-Amplifier Unison Research Unico pre-amplifier. Vacuum tube design with balanced inputs / outputs with remote control. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Floor Demo | $4,090.00 | $2,749.95 |
Unison Research S6 35WPC Remote Controlled Integrated Amplifier Unison Research S6 35WPC pure Class A remote controlled integrated amplifier with all 6 +1 spare power tubes fully tested for plate current and trans-conductance. Last one! |
Integrated Amplifier |
Floor Demo | $6,000.00 | $3,249.95 |
ModWright LS-100 Pre-Amplifier ModWright LS-100 vacuum tube remote control line pre-amplifier, completely re-tubed with tested NOS tubes + spare ones; and 2 fully tested rectifier tubes; silver finish. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Trade In | $6,800.00 | $3,400.00 |
Prima Luna EVO 200 Integrated Amplifier Prima Luna EVO 200 remote controlled vacuum tube integrated amplifier. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Floor Demo | $4,775.00 | $3,494.95 |
Prima Luna EVO 100 DAC Prima Luna EVO 100 vacuum tube digital to analogue converter with upgraded fully tested tubes. |
Digital to Analogue Converter |
Floor Demo | $4,850.00 | $3,499.95 |
Parasound Hint 6, Remote Controlled Integrated Amplifier Parasound Hint 6, top of the line remote controlled integrated amplifier; 160 WPC into 8 ohms; 240 WPC into 4 ohms. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Brand New | $5,165.00 | $3,749.95 |
SPECTRAL DMA 150, 300WPC Power Amplifier SPECTRAL DMA 150, 300WPC Power Amplifier into 4 ohms with updated Shunyata stainless steel feet and Synergistic "Purple" AC live fuses. |
Power Amplifier |
Consignment | $9,550.00 | $3,750.00 |
Unison Research Unico CD DUE CD player Unison Research Unico CD DUE CD player with balanced / unbalanced vacuum tube outputs. |
CD Player |
Floor Demo | $5,420.00 | $3,999.95 |
Parasound model JC-2 Top of the Line pre-amplifier Parasound model JC-2 Top of the Line pre-amplifier. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Floor Demo | $6,150.00 | $4,749.95 |
Audio Research VSi75 Integrated Amplifier Audio Research VSi75 remote controlled integrated amplifier and 2 sets tested input tubes + new KT-150 power vacuum tubes. |
Integrated Amplifier |
Trade In | $11,500.00 | $4,999.95 |
PS Audio Direct Stream Series II PS Audio Direct Stream Series II digital to analogue converter. |
Digital to Analogue Converter |
Brand New | $10,999.00 | $8,999.95 |
Analogue Products (turntables, cartridges, and phono pre-amplifiers) | Product | Status | List Price | Sale Price |
Clearaudio Stroboscope Disc Clearaudio stroboscope disc. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $129.00 | $99.95 |
Project "Measure It" Series II Project "Measure It" Series II electronic stylus balance. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $149.99 | $127.49 |
Clearaudio Headshell Wires Kit Clearaudio headshell wires kit. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $169.00 | $134.95 |
Cardas Quadlink Five "C" Phono Interconnects Cardas 1.25 meter Quadlink Five "C" phono interconnects 5 pins DIN to made XLR. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $345.00 | $195.95 |
Clearaudio Leather Mat Clearaudio leather mat. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $299.00 | $199.95 |
Micromega (My Groove) Phono pre-Amplifier Micromega (My Groove) Stand alone phono pre-amplifier, external power supply. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Brand New | $299.00 | $234.95 |
Clear Audio Electronic Balance Clear Audio (weight watcher) electronic balance for measuring tracking force. Only 1 left in store. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $459.00 | $299.95 |
Tri-Art S-Series MM Phono pre-Amplifier with External Power Supply Tri-Art S-Series MM phono pre-amplifier with external power supply natural bamboo finish. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Brand New | $386.00 | $334.95 |
Clearaudio "Smart Wire" Clearaudio "Smart Wire" 1.0 phono interconnect. |
Analogue Accessories |
Almost New | $420.00 | $339.95 |
Tri-Art S-Series MM Phono pre-Amplifier with External Power Supply Tri-Art S-series MM phono pre-amplifier black finish with external power supply. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Floor Demo | $460.00 | $359.95 |
Musical Fidelity V90-LPS Phono Pre-Amplifier Musical Fidelity V90-LPS phono pre-amplifier for MM/MC cartridges. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Brand New | $449.00 | $399.95 |
Pro-Ject T1 Turntable Package with Ortofon OM5e Pro-Ject T1 turntable package with Ortofon OM5e + acrylic dustcover – walnut or glossy black piano finish. |
Turntable |
Brand New | $529.99 | $449.95 |
Pro-Ject Debut III Turntable + Bluetooth with Ortofon OM5e Pro-Ject Debut III bluetooth turntable with electronic speed change + built in phono pre-amplifier, factory mount with Ortofon OM5e moving magnet cartridge. |
Turntable |
Brand New | $699.99 | $499.95 |
Tri-Art P-Series MM/MC Phono Pre-Amplifier Tri-Art P-Series MM/MC phono pre-amplifier; black finish. |
Phono Pre-Amplifier |
Brand New | $638.00 | $534.95 |
Tri-Art B-Series 20" Real Bamboo Speaker Stands Tri-Art B-series 20" real bamboo speaker stands with traded spikes and bamboo cups. 40% Off. |
Speaker Stands |
Floor Demo | $990.00 | $594.00 |
Ortofon Quintet Blue Low Output Moving Coil Cartridge Ortofon Quintet blue low output moving coil cartridge (a personal favourite). |
Cartridges |
Brand New | $768.00 | $649.00 |
Dynavector DV20 XH Series II Moving Coil Cartridge Dynavector DV20 XH series 2 high output moving coil cartridge (used in mint condition). |
Cartridges |
Trade In | $1,250.00 | $675.00 |
HANA SL Moving Coil Cartridge HANA SL low output moving coil cartridge. |
Cartridges |
Brand New | $920.00 | $749.95 |
Pro-Ject RPM-3 Turntable Pro-Ject RPM-3 turntable with carbon glossy red Ferrari finish mint. |
Turntable |
Trade In | $1,399.99 | $749.95 |
Dynavector DV10X5 Series II Moving Coil Cartridge Dynavector DV10X5 series II low output moving coil cartridge. |
Cartridges |
Brand New | $1,000.00 | $749.95 |
Pro-Ject Debut Carbon EVO Turntable Package Pro-Ject debut carbon EVO turntable package high gloss piano finish. |
Turntable |
Brand New | $869.99 | $774.95 |
Ortofon Quintet Bronze Moving Coil Cartridge Ortofon Quintet bronze low output moving coil cartridge. |
Cartridges |
Brand New | $1,079.00 | $919.00 |
Clearaudio Virtuoso Moving Magnet Cartridge Clearaudio Virtuoso version 2 moving magnet cartridge, factory re-furbished. |
Cartridges |
Brand New | $1,499.00 | $974.95 |
Graham Slee Phono pre-Amplifier Graham Slee phono pre-amplifier Eva Gold Series model reflex C with PSU-1 power supply for MC cartridges. |
Phono Pre-Amplifier |
Brand New | $1,390.00 | $975.00 |
Clearaudio Smart Phono V2 with Headphone pre-Amplifier Clearaudio Smart phono V2 with headphone pre-amplifier. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Brand New | $1,399.00 | $999.95 |
Unison Research u Phono + External Phono pre-Amplifier Unison Research u phono + external phono pre-amplifier for MM/MC cartridges with analogue to digital converter built-in. Only one left. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Floor Demo | $1,335.00 | $999.95 |
Ortofon Quintet Black Moving Coil Cartridge Ortofon Quintet black low output moving coil cartridge (used). |
Cartridges |
Floor Demo | $1,484.00 | $999.95 |
HANA ML Moving Coil Cartridge HANA ML low output moving coil cartridge. |
Cartridges |
Brand New | $1,480.00 | $1,249.95 |
GOLD NOTE PH-10 Phono pre-Amplifier GOLD NOTE PH-10 phono pre-amplifier with Ag finish. |
Pre-Amplifier |
Almost New | $2,700.00 | $2,099.95 |
GOLD NOTE Valore 425 Turntable + B5 Tonearm and Gold Note Donatello Moving Coil Cartridge GOLD NOTE Valore 425 turntable + B5 tonearm and Gold Note Donatello gold low output moving coil cartridge. |
Combo Package |
Display | $4,650.00 | $2,499.95 |
Clear Audio Performance DC Wood + Satisfy Kardan Tonearm and Hana ML Moving Coil Cartridge Clear Audio performance DC wood + satisfy Kardan tonearm and Hana ML low output moving coil cartridge. |
Combo Package |
Brand New | $10,148.00 | $7,774.95 |
Loudspeakers (all prices are per pair) | Product | Status | List Price | Sale Price |
HARBETH P3 ESR Xd Loudspeaker HARBETH P3 ESR Xd Loudspeaker (latest version) MINT condition in a beautiful olive ash finish. Complimentary custom built speaker stands. |
Speakers |
Consignment | ||
Micromega "My Speaker Active" with built-in "My Amp" Micromega "My speaker active" with built-in "My Amp" class A/B amplifier. |
Powered Speakers |
Display | $1,599.00 | $1,199.95 |
Micromega "My System" Speakers + Speaker Cables + Integrated Amplifier Micromega "My System" speakers + speaker cables + integrated amplifier with built-in DAC bluetooth and 3 analogue inputs. |
Combo Package |
Display | $1,726.00 | $1,299.95 |
Martin Logan Motion 20i Floor Standing Loudspeakers Martin Logan Motion 20i floor standing loudspeakers. 35% Off |
Speakers |
Floor Demo | $2,399.98 | $1,559.95 |
Martin Logan Foundation F2 Floor Standing Loudspeakers Martin Logan Foundation F2 top of the line floor standing loudspeakers. |
Speakers |
Almost New | $2,499.98 | $1,874.95 |
Martin Logan Classic ESL9 Hybrid Loudspeakers Martin Logan Classic ESL9 hybrid floor standing electrostatic loudspeakers. |
Speakers |
Floor Demo | $9,499.98 | $6,999.95 |
Cables & Accessories (interconnects, speaker cables, AC power cords) | Product | Status | List Price | Sale Price |
Ortofon Carbon Fiber Record Brush Ortofon carbon fiber record brush. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $47.00 | $39.95 |
LAST Stylus Cleaner LAST stylus cleaner. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $51.50 | $43.75 |
PS Audio / Octave Records – 2 Discs PS Audio / octave records – 2 discs. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $64.95 | $52.75 |
Pro-Ject Turntable Kit Pro-Ject turntable kit, includes: record brush, stylus brush, balance, level. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $99.00 | $79.95 |
Black Diamond Racing Cones (Set of 3) Black Diamond racing cones MK IV version (set of 3). |
Cones |
Trade In | $110.00 | $84.95 |
Black Diamond Racing Cones – Kit of 3 Black Diamond racing cones Mark III or Mark IV versions, kit of 3. |
Cones |
Brand New | $110.00 | $89.99 |
Synergistic Research SR Audiophile Fuses Synergistic Research SR quantum purple audiophile fuses in stock. 30% Off. |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $250.00 | $175.00 |
Prima Luna EL-34 Power Tubes Four Prima Luna fully tested EL-34 power tubes. |
Analogue Accessories |
Trade In | $271.00 | $175.00 |
ISO Acoustics ZAZEN I Isolation Platform (up to 25 lbs) ISO Acoustics ZAZEN I isolation platform for turntables and electronics (up to 25 lbs). |
Analogue Accessories |
Display | $259.99 | $207.99 |
ISO Acoustics ZAZEN II Isolation Platform (up to 40 lbs) ISO Acoustics ZAZEN II isolation platform for turntables and electronics (up to 40 lbs). |
Analogue Accessories |
Brand New | $298.99 | $254.15 |
Cardas Iridium 1.0m RCA Interconnects (pair) Cardas Iridium 1.0m RCA interconnects (pair). |
Cables |
Brand New | $335.00 | $269.95 |
Nordstone Esse 4 Tempered Glass Audio Rack Nordstone Esse 4 tempered glass audio rack, black frame with red shelves. |
Audio Rack |
Brand New | $349.95 | $289.95 |
Norstone Loft Audio Rack Extension Side Norstone Loft audio rack extension side; 2 extra shelves and frame. |
Audio Rack |
Brand New | $365.95 | $289.95 |
Shunyata Venom 3 AC Power Cord, 20A IEC Connector Shunyata Venom 3 HC high current AC power cord, 20A IEC connector. |
Cables |
Floor Demo | $429.95 | $299.95 |
Norstone ESSE 4 Tempered Shelves / Audio Rack Norstone ESSE 4 tempered black or red shelves / black frame audio rack. |
Audio Rack |
Brand New | $349.00 | $299.95 |
Norstone Loft 3 Shelves Audio Rack Norstone Loft 3 shelves audio rack. |
Audio Rack |
Brand New | $549.95 | $399.95 |
Audiolab DC Block & AC Power Conditioner / Filtering Audiolab DC block & AC power conditioner / filtering; 6 outlets. |
Power Line Conditioner |
Brand New | $649.95 | $449.95 |
Cardas Clear AES/EU Digital Cable 0.5m with CG XLR Plugs Cardas Clear AES/EU (XLR – balanced) digital cable 0.5 meter factory terminated with CG XLR plugs. |
Cables |
Trade In | $950.00 | $474.95 |
Tri-Art B-Series 20" Speaker Stands Tri-Art B-series 20" speaker stands. |
Speaker Stands |
Floor Demo | $799.95 | $499.95 |
Full Music 845 Power Vacuum Tubes in a Wooden Box Full music 845 power vacuum tubes, match pair in a wooden box. Used for less than 50 hours; fully re-tested for plate current and trans-conductance. |
Analogue Accessories |
Trade In | $1,250.00 | $599.95 |
Transparent Audio Music Link Super Generation 5 RCA Interconnect Transparent Audio Music Link Super generation 5 RCA interconnect; 1.5m / channel. |
Cables |
Trade In | $1,295.00 | $650.00 |
Transparent Audio Power Bank 6 Power Line Conditioner Transparent Audio Power Bank 6 power line conditioner. |
Power Line Conditioner |
Brand New | $949.95 | $699.95 |
Tri-Art P-Series Power Line Conditioner with Adjustable Vacuum Tube Buffer Tri-Art P-series power line conditioner with adjustable vacuum tube buffer. |
Power Line Conditioner |
Brand New | $1,007.00 | $749.95 |
Cardas Pair of Neutral Reference with Optional Cardas Banana Plugs, bi-Wire, and Spade Lugs Cardas 2.5 meters pair Neutral Reference with Optional Cardas banana plugs and bi-wire with Cardas Rh plated spade lugs. |
Cables |
Trade In | $1,545.00 | $774.95 |
Norstone STAABL Audio Rack with Bamboo Shelves Norstone STAABL four-shelf audio rack with bamboo shelves. |
Audio Rack |
Brand New | $1,199.95 | $974.95 |
Tri-Art B-Series Audio Rack with RPRA Anti-Vibration Technology Tri-Art B-series 4-shelf audio rack in bamboo finish with RPRA anti-vibration technology. |
Audio Rack |
Brand New | $1,254.00 | $995.95 |
Cardas Nautilus Power Strip Power Line Conditioner Cardas Nautilus Power Strip power line conditioner; 1800 watts maximum load, high current design. |
Power Line Conditioner |
Floor Demo | $2,800.00 | $1,495.95 |
PS Audio Power Plant 12 AC Re-Generator Power Line Conditioner PS Audio Power Plant 12 AC re-generator power line conditioner; 1250 watts pure AC 1250 watts maximum. |
Power Line Conditioner |
Brand New | $7,499.00 | $4,999.95 |